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Unlock Your Imagination with Easy Steps on How to Draw Aliens: A Beginner's Guide

How To Draw Aliens

Learn How To Draw Aliens with step-by-step tutorials and tips. Discover new techniques and create out-of-this-world illustrations!

Are you tired of drawing the same old boring humans? Want to spice up your artwork with some extraterrestrial flair? Well, fear not my fellow art enthusiasts, because I am here to teach you how to draw aliens! From their slimy tentacles to their glowing eyes, these creatures are sure to add an out-of-this-world element to your sketches.

First things first, let's talk about the anatomy of an alien. Unlike humans, aliens can come in all shapes and sizes. Some have multiple limbs, others have tails, and some don't even have a recognizable body shape at all! So, when you're drawing an alien, don't be afraid to get creative with their physical features. Let your imagination run wild!

Next, consider the environment that your alien comes from. Are they from a planet with a toxic atmosphere? Do they live in a freezing, barren wasteland? These factors can greatly affect the appearance of your alien. For example, an alien from a hot, arid planet may have tough, scaly skin to protect against the harsh sun, while an alien from a water-covered planet may have webbed hands and feet to help them swim.

Now, let's talk about adding some personality to your alien. Are they mischievous tricksters, or stoic defenders of their home planet? Do they communicate through telepathy, or do they speak in a series of clicks and whistles? These details can add depth to your alien and make them feel like a fully-realized character.

When it comes to actually drawing your alien, start with basic shapes and lines to get the overall form down. Then, add in details like facial features, clothing (if applicable), and any special abilities or weapons they may possess. Remember, aliens don't have to be symmetrical or follow traditional proportions, so don't be afraid to play around with their design.

One important thing to keep in mind when drawing aliens is to avoid falling into the trap of stereotypes. Not all aliens are green and have big heads, just as not all humans are blonde and blue-eyed. Try to come up with unique and interesting designs, and don't be afraid to break away from the norm.

Another tip for drawing aliens is to pay attention to the lighting and shading in your artwork. If your alien has glowing eyes or bioluminescent markings, make sure they stand out by adding a bit of glow or shine to them. Similarly, if your alien is in a dark environment, make sure to add shadows and contrast to create a sense of depth.

Finally, have fun with it! Drawing aliens should be a creative and enjoyable experience. Don't stress too much about making everything look perfect, and allow yourself to experiment with different designs and styles. Who knows, you may even stumble upon the next iconic alien character!

In conclusion, drawing aliens can be a challenging but rewarding task. By considering factors like anatomy, environment, and personality, you can create truly unique and memorable extraterrestrial creatures. So, grab your pencils and let's get drawing! Who knows, you may just end up creating the next E.T. or Xenomorph.


Drawing aliens might seem like a daunting task, but fear not! With a bit of creativity and guidance, you can easily create your own extraterrestrial creatures. Let's dive into the world of alien drawing with a humorous tone and voice.

Gather Inspiration

Before starting your alien drawing, it's important to gather inspiration from various sources. You can look at sci-fi movies, books, and even cartoons for ideas on how to design your alien. Remember, there are no limits when it comes to creating your own alien creature.


Once you have gathered some inspiration, it's time to start brainstorming. Think about what kind of features your alien should have. Should it have tentacles? Multiple eyes? A third arm? The possibilities are endless.


Now that you have an idea of what your alien should look like, it's time to start sketching. Begin by drawing basic shapes and lines to create the overall shape of your alien. Don't worry about making it perfect, as you can always make adjustments later.

Add Details

After you have the basic shape of your alien, it's time to add details. Think about the texture of its skin, the shape of its eyes, and any other unique features you want to include. Don't be afraid to get creative with your alien design.


Once you have finished your sketch, it's time to add color. Think about what colors would complement your alien's design. Should it be bright and colorful or more subdued? The choice is yours.


To give your alien drawing more depth, add shading. Think about where the light source is coming from and shade accordingly. This will give your alien a more realistic look.

Adding Personality

To make your alien drawing stand out, give it some personality. Think about its expressions and body language. Is it friendly or menacing? Play around with different poses and facial expressions to bring your alien to life.

Naming Your Alien

One final touch to give your alien some personality is to give it a name. Think about what kind of name would suit your alien's personality and design. It could be something simple or more complex.


Drawing aliens can be a fun and creative process. With these tips and a bit of imagination, you can create your own unique extraterrestrial creatures. So grab a pencil and start sketching! Who knows, your alien creation may just be the next big sci-fi icon.

How To Draw Aliens: A Humorous Guide

First Contact: Materials Needed - Grab a pencil and some paper, or if you're feeling extra fancy, a tablet and stylus. Don't forget your sense of humor – it's essential when you're dealing with extraterrestrial beings.

Why So Serious? Loosen Up Those Tentacles

Aliens can be pretty intimidating, with their multiple limbs, antennas, and the occasional third eye. But don't get too caught up in the details – remember, you're drawing a cartoon, not a scientific illustration. So, loosen up those tentacles and let's get started.

Heads or Tails? Start with the Basics

When it comes to drawing aliens, start with a simple shape for the body – a circle, oval, or even a blob will do. Then add a head, or a tail, or both, depending on the alien's anatomy. Don't worry too much about getting it perfect, you can always adjust as you go.

Don't Forget the Eyes – or Lack Thereof

Eyes are where the expression and personality come in, so give your alien some character. And don't be afraid to play with the conventions – maybe your alien has no eyes, or many eyes, or eyes in unexpected places. Just have fun and see what happens.

Limb-Itless Creativity: Arms, Legs, and Tentacles Galore

Now it's time to give your alien some limbs. Again, don't feel like you have to stick to the classic humanoid proportions – maybe your alien has seven arms and no legs, or tentacles instead of hands. Get creative and let your imagination run wild.

Color Outside the Lines – Literally

Coloring is where the fun really starts. Experiment with bright, bold colors, or try a more subdued monochrome scheme. And don't worry about staying inside the lines – a little messiness adds to the charm. Let your creativity flow and see what happens.

Bring Your Alien to Life with Details

Details can make or break a drawing, so go wild. Add some spots, stripes, or polka dots. Give your alien some bling – maybe a shiny metallic suit or a funky hat. The more details you add, the more personality your alien will have.

Make It a Family Portrait

Why stop at one alien? Draw a whole family or a whole planet of aliens. You never know what kind of wacky personalities and quirks you'll come up with. Get the whole gang involved and let the hilarity ensue.

Ready, Set, Action! Add Movement and Emotion

Imagine your alien in different situations – maybe they're flying through space, or dancing, or playing pranks on their fellow aliens. Action and emotion will give your drawing some real pizzazz. So, add some movement and let your alien come to life.

Take Off With Your Imagination

The beauty of drawing aliens is that there are no rules. Use your imagination and let your creativity run wild. Who knows – you might just discover a new species. So, grab that pencil and paper and get ready to blast off into a world of extraterrestrial fun.

How to Draw Aliens: A Humorous Guide

The Importance of Drawing Aliens

Are you tired of drawing the same old boring human figures? Do you want to add a little extra-terrestrial flair to your artwork? Then it's time to learn how to draw aliens!

Drawing aliens can be a fun and creative way to spice up your art. Not only does it allow you to flex your imagination, but it also gives you the chance to create something truly unique and out of this world.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to draw your very own alien:

  1. Start with the head: Aliens come in all shapes and sizes, so don't be afraid to get creative. Try drawing a round head with large, almond-shaped eyes.
  2. Add some features: Most aliens have a few defining features, such as antennae or multiple arms. Think about what makes your alien unique and add those details.
  3. Give it a body: Depending on the type of alien you're drawing, you may want to give it a humanoid body or something more abstract. Don't forget to add any additional features, such as a tail or wings.
  4. Color it in: This is where you can really let your creativity shine. Experiment with different colors and patterns until your alien looks just right.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few additional tips to help you draw the perfect alien:

  • Think outside the box: Aliens don't have to look like anything you've seen before. Let your imagination run wild!
  • Experiment with shapes: Try drawing aliens with different body shapes, such as long and skinny or short and squat.
  • Get inspired: Look at pictures of real animals or plants for inspiration. You never know what might spark an idea for your alien design.

In Conclusion

Drawing aliens is a fun and creative way to add some excitement to your artwork. With a little practice and experimentation, you'll be able to create all sorts of unique and interesting extraterrestrial beings. So grab a pencil and let your imagination take flight!


  • Aliens
  • Drawing
  • Creativity
  • Imagination
  • Unique
  • Art

So Long and Thanks for All the Tentacles!

Well, my fellow earthlings, it's time to bid adieu to our extraterrestrial friends. I hope you found this guide on how to draw aliens informative, entertaining, and not too terrifying. Remember, it's all in good fun, and who knows? Maybe one day, we'll actually get to meet some real-life aliens.

If you're still struggling with your alien drawings, don't worry. Just keep practicing, and before you know it, you'll be sketching out entire intergalactic civilizations. And who knows? Maybe one day, your art will be hanging in the Louvre next to the Mona Lisa.

But until then, keep honing your skills, and don't forget to let your imagination run wild. After all, there are no rules when it comes to drawing aliens, except maybe that they should have tentacles. Lots and lots of tentacles.

I hope you enjoyed learning about the different types of aliens out there, from the bug-eyed greys to the slimy blob monsters. And let's not forget about the reptilians, the humanoid robots, and the sentient plants. Who knew there were so many options?

And remember, when it comes to drawing aliens, you can never go wrong with a classic flying saucer. Just add some lights, a beam of light, and maybe a cow or two, and you're good to go.

Now, before I sign off, let me leave you with this thought: What if we're the aliens? What if there's another planet out there where the inhabitants are just like us, except they have blue skin or extra limbs or can breathe underwater?

It's a strange and wacky universe we live in, and who knows what other surprises are waiting for us out there among the stars. But until we find out, let's keep drawing aliens and imagining all the weird and wonderful things that could be lurking in the cosmos.

So, my fellow space cadets, keep exploring, keep creating, and most importantly, keep being awesome. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you next time on the cosmic side of the internet.

Live long and prosper (or whatever the alien equivalent is),

[Your Name Here]

People Also Ask: How To Draw Aliens

Why do people want to learn how to draw aliens?

Well, who wouldn't want to learn how to draw these extraterrestrial beings? They come in all shapes and sizes, have weird features and are often portrayed as mysterious creatures. Plus, it's always fun to let our imagination run wild!

Is it difficult to draw aliens?

Not at all! Drawing aliens is actually a great way to experiment with different shapes, lines, and colors. There are no right or wrong ways to draw them since they don't exist in real life. So, let your creativity take over and have some fun!

What are some tips for drawing aliens?

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Think outside of the box and let your imagination run wild.
  • Experiment with different shapes, sizes, and features to create a unique alien.
  • Use bold lines and bright colors to make your alien stand out.
  • Don't be afraid to add some humor or quirkiness to your creation.

Can I use references when drawing aliens?

Absolutely! You can use references from books, movies, or even your own imagination to create your alien. Just remember to add your own unique twist to make it truly yours.

What are some common features of aliens?

While there are no set rules for drawing aliens, here are a few common features that you might consider incorporating into your design:

  1. Large eyes
  2. Unusual skin texture
  3. Tentacles or antennae
  4. Multiple limbs
  5. Unusual head shape

Can I make my alien cute?

Of course! There are no limits when it comes to drawing aliens. You can make them cute, scary, or even silly. It's all up to you!

What if my alien doesn't look like an alien?

That's okay! Remember, there are no set rules when it comes to drawing aliens. If your creation doesn't look like the typical depiction of an alien, that's perfectly fine. Just add your own unique touch and have fun with it.

Should I color my alien?

Definitely! Coloring your alien can really bring it to life. Use bright colors or even experiment with unusual color schemes to make your alien stand out. Plus, coloring can be a great way to add personality and character to your creation.